Categories: GeneralHVAC System

The Most Common HVAC Myths: Debunked

Everyone wants to get the most out of their HVAC system. In order to do this, you need to properly run and regularly maintain the unit. However, there are many misconceptions out there that can keep you from prolonging the life of your air conditioning or heating system.

Common HVAC Myths: Debunked

Below, we bust some of the most common HVAC myths so that you can educate yourself on the best ways to prolong the life of your HVAC unit.

Myth: Closing air vents will help you use save energy and lower your electric bills.

Debunked: Many people think that if they just close the air vents in rooms where the AC is not being used, it will help save energy, and thus lower their electricity costs. The truth is that closing your air vents does not reduce the amount of air being pushed throughout the room. Instead, the pressure load will be balanced throughout the remaining rooms. Closing vents can actually throw the HVAC system out of balance, causing it to work harder and actually use more energy.

Myth: Setting the thermostat all the way up or all the way down will help heat or cool down your home faster.

Debunked: Your HVAC system will work at the same power level no matter what temperature you set the thermostat to. Many people think that if they set the thermostat to a temperature a few degrees warmer or cooler than they actually want it, this will speed the process up. It does not, and it can in fact waste energy.

Myth: Maintenance is only necessary if your HVAC unit is broken or malfunctioning.

Debunked: You may have heard the phrase, “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.” Though this may apply to some things in life, your HVAC unit is not one of them. Just like your car requires regular oil changes and maintenance to perform its best, so does your HVAC system. Scheduling an appointment with an experienced HVAC technician can help you find issues before they occur, which can save you time and money in the long run.

Myth: Buying an energy-efficient HVAC unit will lower your electric bills instantly.

Debunked: Though it is true that energy-efficient HVAC units can help you significantly decrease your energy use and lower your electricity bills, this is only the case if you purchase the right size model for your home. Additionally, you need to continue practicing other energy saving tactics like adjusting the thermostat when you are not home and making sure that your home is well-insulated for optimal savings.

Myth: A fan works just as well as your AC to cool down a room.

Debunked: The AC works to cool down the temperature of the room, while a fan just circulates the air. Many people think that fans and air conditioners work the same because they can both help you cool off. However, a fan cools you off by increasing air circulation and allowing the sweat to evaporate off the skin faster. This means that a fan will not make the room cooler on its own. In fact, if you are leaving fans on when no one is in the room, you are actually wasting energy.

Do you have any other questions about your HVAC system and how to keep it running efficiently? We would be happy to confirm or debunk any information you’ve heard about your heating or cooling system. Contact us today.

Ed Lambert

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